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Please, give a name to the project (less than 30 letters or numbers)
Please choose one if this only one video project. For more than one video please enter Other and we will contact you.
If your videos have not been published leave blank, you will get a welcome email with instructions on how to upload them.
Enter the language you want this videos to be translated, voiced over or Dubbed. Look at our Languages page. (example: Spainish, English, French, etc.) Only one per order.
Turnaround times start after electronic invoice is paid or files are received, whichever comes later. For Rush a $100.00 fee will be added, not more than 5 videos per rush order.
If any requests are needed other than the standard delivery, like preferences (Male voice, female voice, video specs, audio specs, delivery date, etc.) we might contact you in case of any questions, some special requests might delay delivery time.